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UNDERSTANDING PTSD AND THE EFFECTS ON SLEEP PTSD CAN IMPACT A PERSON IN MANY WAYS. PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. This mental health problem affects some people after they have experienced or witnessed a traumatic or life-threatening event. These events might include a natural disaster such as a tornado, or they might include a combat situation, a car accident, or a physical assault. Treatment options are available for people suffering PTSD.
How to File for Child Support as a Single Mother. This site helps financially struggling single mothers with finding grants and government assistance programs. The service is free of cost.
Mattress Help. With 23.5 million Americans (or 1 in 10 people over the age of 12) suffering from addictions to drugs and alcohol, addiction and sleep have a close relationship. It is common for people with addictions to have sleep disorders and for people to use substances like drugs and alcohol to treat their sleep problems, which oftentimes results in addiction.
Line ConsumerSafetyGuide is dedicated to keeping the public informed about consumer dangers and safety issues associated with numerous products that can cause the public harm.
Postpartum Depression Guide The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines PPD as a mood disorder that sometimes appears in women after giving birth. Additionally, they say that this disorder typically comes feelings of “extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion,” sometimes to the point where everyday activities are difficult to complete. ConsumerSafetyGuide is dedicated to keeping the public informed about consumer dangers and safety issues associated with numerous products that can cause the public harm.
Tuft and Needle A Phoenix-based mattress company, is leading the revolution against mattress markups, poor customer service, and inferior products by creating exceptional, honestly-priced products, and redefining the purchasing experience.
Millennial Life Skill Classes At Laguna Shores Recovery we offer different services and programs that provide life skills to our patients. By learning these skills our patients can better integrate back into society and prevent the chance of relapse. Our Adulting 101 class in Mission Viejo will help patients learn the important skills that will lead to a healthier lifestyle.
How to hide IP address: theory and practice In this article, there is all the necessary information on the “hide IP address” topic. But if you don’t need theory, go to the “3 steps for hiding IP” section.
Online PTSD Self-Test What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often linked to images of military personnel amid war and combat. However, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder goes much further than battle and the difficulties of war. Take, for example, a story from P.K. Philips. Several traumas, including a childhood of physical, mental, sexual abuse and ultimately an attack at knifepoint, lead Philips to significant experiences
Cerebral Palsy – What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy is a developmental disorder and leading cause of disability in young children. It affects approximately 500,000 children and adults, with around 8,000 babies and between 1,200 and 1,500 preschool-age children diagnosed each year.
New Mouth. New You. Dental solutions made easy. We'll help you find the best dentist in your area depending on your exact needs. Transform your smile and your life.
Effects of Medications on Oral Health How Can Medications Negatively Impact Your Oral Health? Prescription and over-the-counter medications can negatively impact your general and oral health.
Dental Care Basics for Seniors (65+) After the age of 65, new oral challenges are introduced as the body continues to age. Common conditions that affect seniors include dry mouth, oral cancer, root decay, and gum diseases.
Physical Disabilities and Oral Health Physical disabilities limit an individual’s mobility, stamina, and physical functioning overall. These disabilities make it difficult, or impossible, for patients to complete daily activities on their own.
Oral Health and Overall Health What is Oral Health? Good oral health and hygiene begin with clean teeth, proper dental care habits, and awareness of daily behaviors.
Mental Health Test According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated one in five people in the United States live with mental illness. This equals an estimated 46.6 million people in 2017. Mental illness ranges in types and severity. Doctors usually classify mental illnesses as serious mental illness or any mental illness. The following is a report of how often a person experiences mental illness by illness type, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness:........
Over 7,000 Different Psychology Degree Programs is the most comprehensive psychology degree guide on the web. With over 3,100 different psychology degrees and 1,700 different universities..........
Social Work Degrees Welcome to Social Work Degrees, the most comprehensive resource for exploring colleges and universities offering a degree in Social Work. All degree levels are covered - Undergraduate..........
Learn more about how we can help you. Simmons Hanly Conroy Law Firm represents families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related cancer.
Your One-Stop-Shop For All Things Vision We provide medically accurate content for all things vision. Learn about eye conditions and vision correction practices. Explore treatment options today.
Best Contacts for Astigmatism What is Astigmatism? Astigmatism is a type of refractive error. (Refractive errors are eye problems that affect your vision). If you have astigmatism it means your cornea is misshapen.
What You Need To Know About Mental Health Mental health is a combination of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It has a vital effect on the way we live our day-to-day lives, our school and work performance, relationships and social interactions, medical conditions, ability to solve problems, and quality of life.
16 Fun and Rewarding Activities For Those With Dementia For many, the idea of planning activities for those with dementia can be a daunting task, be they a family member or someone you care for professionally. There is often anxiety around what the sufferer can and cannot do and how far they should be pushed. Luckily studies into keeping dementia patients active and stimulated are more accessible than ever, and we're learning more about senior mental health every decade.
How to calm anxiety (when you're freaking out) Anxiety is a common struggle for many people. The good news is that mental health is finally becoming part of the broader well-being conversation among medical professionals and the public–which helps eliminate the stigma of mental health struggles and allows us to find ways to treat it and cope with it.
What to Know About Binge Drinking Alcohol has been around since ancient times. Its use has been traced back 10,000 years, when it was first consumed for its psychoactive effects. Today, it fuels a billion-dollar industry and is socially accepted almost globally, having become a major part of human recreation and consumption.
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